People's Advantage Credit Union

Loan Prequalification

About Loan Prequalification:

Applications Open

Mon, September 9th 2024

Applications Close

Est. Selection Date

Applications Open Applications Close Est. Selection Date
Mon, September 9th 2024


If you already have a CofounderOS account and want to apply, please login before applying.

Full Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Verify Password
Phone Number (Required)
Company Name (Required)

Loan Prequalification Questions

Street Address (Required)
City (Required)
State (Required)
Zip Code (Required)
Website Address

Does your startup already have a website?

Share your business pitch in 200 words or less. (Required)
200 words
What are your current annual revenues? (Required)
Does your company provide a product or a service?

Check all that apply.

Number of people on your team, including yourself. (Required)
What does your company need the most help with in order to grow? (Required)
How did you hear about this program?

Please let us know the person who told you about us, or how you found us on your own.

Tell us more about your Business

These questions will go into more depth to help us understand how we can best help

Who are you selling to and what is the market opportunity? (Required)

Please provide a short description of your target market, estimate of potential market size, and market growth rate

150 words
What problem are you solving for your customer? (Required)
150 words
Describe your solution (Required)
150 words
What is your revenue model? (i.e. subscriptions, services, one-time, usage based, etc..) (Required)

Help us understand how you make money, your revenue stream(s), price points, etc...

150 words
What is your competitive environment? (Required)
150 words
Why would someone pick you over your competition? (Required)
150 words

Tell us about you

Why did you start this company? (Required)

Help us understand your background and what led you to this.

300 words
What is your experience in starting, running, or selling a business? (Required)
300 words
Veteran Status
What gender do you identify as?
What is your age?
Please specify your ethnicity

Check all that apply.

What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?
What is the zip code at your primary place of residence?
What is your annual household income?
Where were you born?
Would you describe yourself as disabled?